The Secret To Unlocking Digital Stiffness

with Robyn Midgley & Shrikant Chinchalkar
Join Shrikant Chinchalkar & Robyn Midgley discussing the power of the CMMS technique in the management of the stiff hand.
Pitfalls in Flexor Tendon Rehabilitation
with Robyn Midgley & Shrikant Chinchalkar

Join Shrikant Chinchalkar & Robyn Midgley as they present and discuss Pitfalls in Flexor Tendon Rehabilitation. This webinar will give you an in-depth understanding of the anatomy of flexor tendons as well as how to adequately rehabilitate flexor tendon injuries.
3D Splinting - Are You Ready For The Future Of Hand Therapy?
with Pearse Fay & Robyn Midgley

Join Pearse Fay & Robyn Midgley as they present and discuss 3D splinting in Hand Therapy. This webinar will give you insight into the technology used to print 3D splints and how you can implement 3D printing in your practice and virtual hand clinics.
Hand & Wrist Assessment
with Robyn Midgley, Dr Mirella Deisher & Dr Andrew Barrow

During this webinar Dr Mirella Deisher & Dr Andrew Barrow present a detailed analysis of how to perform a thorough clinical assessment of the hand & wrist. Anatomical & biomechanical principles are incorporated to enhance the understanding of wrist and hand examination skill and principles.
Vibrational Medicine
with Robyn Midgley & Dr Hebel

During this webinar Dr Jen Hebel teaches us how to use Tuning Forks as a therapeutic modality. Clinical application to Hand Therapy is the special focus, with specific reference to which Tuning Forks to purchase, how to apply them, and how to ensure that you release scar tissue, reduce oedema and restore function.